Photo by Jonathan Daniels on Unsplash

The Sun Energizes Our Old Dog

Rodney Brazier


Spring here in Western Washington hasn’t been anything to get excited about. I mentioned in a previous post that April felt more like February. We had one of the coolest Aprils ever as far as average daily temperatures. That might be why our old dog appreciates the rare sunny days so much.

Buddy has always enjoyed being outside when the weather is nice. It’s hard to pinpoint what changed this year, but he loves being in the sun now. Maybe at the age of 15, he realizes he only has a finite amount of time left to enjoy sunny days. That might sound strange, but I’m not exaggerating when I say Buddy is that smart. I marvel at the things he does almost daily.

The weather was great here the last full weekend of April. Saturday was in the mid-sixties, and Sunday’s high was 70 degrees. I think Buddy would have been content with living outside during the day that weekend. I would take him out, and he would want to go out again two minutes later. No, unlike myself, Buddy doesn’t have an overactive bladder. For some reason, he couldn’t get enough sunlight. It was like the sun had some kind of addictive power that kept drawing him to it.

They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but maybe he can teach us some life lessons. Since we can’t predict the future, cherish the sunlight like it’s the last time you’ll see it. Bask in the glow of life how Buddy basks in the sun every chance he gets. Pretty valuable life lessons coming from an old dog, don’t you think? Wait a minute, am I still talking about Buddy or myself?



Rodney Brazier

I’ve enjoyed writing since I was a child. I love to tell stories that people relate to and enjoy while talking about real-life situations.