Photo by Azrul Aziz on Unsplash

Never Give Up On Finding True Love

Rodney Brazier


Did you spend Valentine’s Day alone? If so, you were not alone. Millions of people had that same experience. I recall spending countless Valentine’s Days alone in my twenties and thirties. I speak from personal experience when I say you should never give up on finding true love.

It takes two people who are ready and willing to make a relationship work. When I look back, I wasn’t even close to being mentally mature enough to make a relationship work before turning 40. I met a lot of women who were as mentally immature as I was along the way. Now, I did meet some people that things might have worked out if I was in the right state of mind. Obviously, it wasn’t meant to be at that stage of my life.

I was around 40 years old when I started to think maybe I was destined to be a bachelor for life. Meeting women in person had been hit and miss. The same results happened with online dating. I realize I settled at times for people I knew weren’t right for me in hindsight. Knowledge comes with life experience. With the knowledge I have now, I would choose to be alone over being with someone who makes me unhappy.

Around the time I turned 42, I was so frustrated with the dating scene that I was ready to give up. Little did I know I would meet someone who was extremely frustrated with the dating scene too. I had no idea at the time that Tracie…



Rodney Brazier

I’ve enjoyed writing since I was a child. I love to tell stories that people relate to and enjoy while talking about real-life situations.