I Was A Late Bloomer When It Comes To Tattoos

Rodney Brazier
3 min readOct 8, 2022

I don’t know the exact percentages, but I’m sure most people get tattoos in their twenties and thirties. I’m not one to follow the crowd, so I got mine a little later, actually, quite a bit later in life. I take great pride in being unique.

The process began when my wife started talking about getting more tattoos. Initially, I don’t think she thought I would follow through and get one. Tracie started to realize I was serious as the conversation continued about tattoos. My wife knows me well enough to know that when I set my mind to something, I’m going to do it.

We were able to get appointments for July 15th of 2022, at a place in Eatonville, Washington called Best Kept Secret Tattoo. Since I had never previously had a tattoo, my anxiety started to ramp up that day. We rarely drink, and I’m not a daytime drinker, but I damn sure would have been that day. I believe the first appointment was for around 4:45 pm. A shot of alcohol at four in the afternoon had never sounded so good. Tracie informed me that having a shot wasn’t an option, so I had to suck it up. The owner Prairie, her mom Cindy, and a couple of patrons helped put me at ease with their humor. Mind you, some of the things said might have made Richard Pryor blush in his prime.

I mentioned being a late bloomer when it comes to tattoos in the title. I’m pretty sure getting your first tattoo three months after you turn 55 would qualify. I never thought I would end up having tattoos. I’ve never had anything against tattoos. As…



Rodney Brazier

I’ve enjoyed writing since I was a child. I love to tell stories that people relate to and enjoy while talking about real-life situations.