Childhood Memories Of Spring

Rodney Brazier
2 min readMar 14, 2021

Does Spring bring back childhood memories for you? There’s no doubt that Spring brings back childhood memories for me. I know I sound old saying this, but it was a better time. Like they sang in the intro to All In The Family, those were the days.

Thinking of Spring brings back memories of my first experience with a bee as a child. It was a beautiful Spring day and I was walking and minding my own business. Next thing I know, a bee stung me as it landed in the middle of my forehead. Even as a child, I took great offense to this bee invading my space and stinging me for no reason at all. My natural reaction was to grab the bee, stomp on it, and stand over it like look at you now. Yes, my mind worked differently even as a child, I can’t lie.

I have some great childhood memories of Spring as a child. All the kids in the neighborhood pretty much had the same routine during Spring break. We would get up, have breakfast, then go outside and play until sundown or dinner time, whichever came first. We might come back home for lunch, if we needed to refuel. It makes me sad that kids can’t have those same experiences safely now without supervision.

I don’t know about you, but I can remember things vividly from decades ago but forget why I got up from the couch. Childhood memories when the weather was nice stand out more to me. That’s when everyone got…



Rodney Brazier

I’ve enjoyed writing since I was a child. I love to tell stories that people relate to and enjoy while talking about real-life situations.